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“There were a lot of false documents and we weren't really catching them with our prior solution. It benefits the on site team, it benefits our clients, and takes away the risk from us. I'm a fan!”

Melanie Verret

Melanie Verret

Director of Real Estate at Greystar


“Before VeriFast, you'd have a lot of back-and-forth with applicants trying to supply the appropriate information, and you'd need to ask for more sometimes. It was a hassle.”

Angelo Butera

Angelo Butera

VP of Operations


“Property managers are spending countless hours chasing down copies of bank statements, pay stubs, and drivers licenses, all of which are easily faked today from a variety of websites. By leveraging Verifast’s suite of verification and identity tools we have eliminated fraud and automated the application process to save property managers time and money.”

Sina Shekou

Sina Shekou

CEO & Founder